We get loads of positive reviews and feedback about our company and especially about our staff and we are proud of every one of our team and how they go the extra mile to make sure our customers are always over the moon with their experience in dealing with us!

The latest feedback is for Alice and Larah who helped Mitchell get his LED sidebars all the way to Australia without any issues, well done ladies, you deserve your champagne and chocolates!!!

and thanks for the feedback Mitchell…

“Ordered and received a set of VW T6 “streamliners” with the VW LED logo. The service I received was first class and seeing they had to come all the way to Australia I could not have been happier. They were packed extremely well to prevent damage in transit and were covered in fragile stickers so the UPS guys would take care. The product is fantastic and once I fit them I will share the pics.

Thanks Alice and Larah for your assistance and making sure the guys knew where they were being sent (you should get a pay rise) I cant wait to see them on my van and now I wont have to worry about a wayward Kangaroo jumping into the side of my van. Lol 
Now I think I will need a set of roof bars to match”.

Mitchell Stark